ASTON 2007

The first annual EIPTN workshop was hosted by Claire Howell, Lecturer in Law at the University of Aston Business School, on Monday 25 June 2007. The meeting was preceded by an Annual Dinner at the University of Aston on the evening of Sunday 24 June 2007.

Monday 25 June 2007

  • Aims of the European Intellectual Property Teachers’ Network
    Claire Howell, Aston Business School and Duncan Matthews, Queen Mary, University of London
  • Keynote address – “Is the Intellectual Property System Fit for Purpose in an Era of Globalization, Digitalization and Increasing Economic Specialisation?”Stephen Rowan (Director of Industrial Property Policy Intellectual Property and Innovation Directorate, United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office)
  • Session 1 – Interdisciplinary IP Teaching
    • “Mind the Gap: IP Education for Managers, Management Education for IP Professions”
      – Robert Pitkethly, University of Oxford
    • “The Necessity of Interdisciplinary IP Teaching”
      – Michael Kort, University of Augsburg
    • “Explaining the patent industry to business students; what should we tell the kids?”
      – Kevin Scally, University College Cork
  • Session 2 – IP Teaching and Copyright
    • “On Teaching the History of Intellectual Property and Why it Matters”
      – Ronan Deazley, University of Birmingham
    • “Human Rights and IP in a Teaching Context – Focus on Copyright Law”
      – Willem Grosheide, Utrecht University
    • “Teaching Copyleft and Creative Commons in a Copyright-riddled Academic World”
      – Maureen O’Sullivan, University of Galway
  • Sponsor’s address – “IP teaching landscape in Europe”
    – Marielle Piana, European Patent Academy of the European Patent Office
  • Session 3 – IP Teaching and Issue-Based Learning
    • “Applying the Case Method to Teach Management Issues of IP Based Companies”
      – Eva Nathusius, TUM Business School, Technische Universität München
    • “Experience of Problem Based Learning in Two Taught Postgraduate Intellectual Property Units at the University of East Anglia”
      – Christopher Wadlow, University of East Anglia
    • “Law into Technologists OK, Technology into Lawyers Won’t Go!”
      – Jo Stanley, Anglia Ruskin Cambridge
  • Session 4 – Approaches to IP Teaching
    • “Teaching Intellectual Property in the United Kingdom: Lamentations of a Journeyman”
      – Akalemwa Ngenda, Eliot College, University of Kent
    • “Teaching IP by ‘Virtual Means’” – Catherine Colston, University of Strathclyde
    • “Collaboration between practitioners and academics: the importance of cooperation in IP Teaching” – Spyros Maniatis, Queen Mary, University of London

Closing remarks: Next steps for the European Intellectual Property Teachers’ Network
– Duncan Matthews, Queen Mary, University of London