University of Lisbon 2013

The seventh EIPTN annual workshop took place at the University of Lisbon, Portugal, on 15-16 July 2013. The event was generously supported by the European Patent Academy of the European Patent Office and the EU Observatory, OHIM Academy, Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs). The programme for the workshop can be found below.

A copy of the report of the workshop is available here: [PDF].


8.30-9.00: Registration and coffee

9.00-9.30: Welcome and introduction: Professor Maria Teresa Cid (Vice–Rector, University of Lisbon), Noël Campling, (Director, IP Awareness, European Patent Academy of the European Patent Office) and Juan Suárez Martín (EU Observatory, OHIM Academy)

9.30-9.45: Keynote address: 
Prof. Dário Moura Vicente (University of Lisbon) The Importance of Teaching Comparative IP Law

9.45-11.00: Session 1 – Multidisciplinary Aspects of IP Teaching (Chair:
 Adoración Pérez Troya, University of Alcalá, Spain)

Roberto Caso & Valentina Moscon (University of Trento, Italy) Comparative IP Teaching

Caroline Pamp (Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship, Gothenburg, Sweden) Teaching IP to Students with a Technical Background

Silvia Baumgart (Own It, Intellectual Property Advice for the Creative Sector, University of the Arts, London, UK) Teaching IP in Art and Design Practice-Based University: Threshold Concepts and Troublesome Knowledge

11.00-11.30: Coffee

11.30-12.45: Session 2 – New approaches to IP teaching (Chair: Janis Rozenfelds, University of Latvia)

Mike Adcock (University of Durham, UK) Using objects in problem based learning for international students

Zlatina Karova (St.Kliment Ohridsk, Bulgaria) Teaching Innovations, Problems Associated with Teaching IP and Emerging Issues in IP Teaching

Pavel Koukal (Masaryk University, Czech Republic) Use of Dialectical Methods in the Teaching of Intellectual Property

12.45-14.15: Lunch

14.15-15.30: Session 3 – New approaches to IP teaching (Chair: Alexandre Dias Pereira, University of Coimbra, Portugal)

Inmaculada González (Universidad Católica de Valencia, Spain) Involving Undergraduate Students in Complex Copyright Issues: From the Tom Waits to Megaupload Cases

Petra Žikovská (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic) Teaching IP Law at Secondary Schools

Caroline Coles (De Montfort University, Leicester, UK) Clinical Legal Education

15.30-16.00: Coffee
16.00-17.30: Session 4 – New approaches to IP teaching (Chair: Alison Firth, University of Surrey, UK, and Mike Adcock University of Durham UK)

Panel discussion – Posters as a method of teaching:
Janice Denoncourt (Nottingham Law School, UK) Further Developments to Enhance IP Law Education through Film
Nuno Silva and Dina Chaves (Independent consultants, Portugal) Fifteen minutes of IP starters, now with complete menu
Ruth Soetendorp (Bournemouth University, UK) Who Cares What Students Think about IP?

José Ricardo Aguilar (IP Legal Advisor Instituto Pedro Nunes and Invited Lecturer Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra, Portugal) A Wide Approach on Teaching IP: From IP Rights to the Market, from R&D to an “Elevator Pitch”

20.00: EIPTN Annual Dinner
 at the Restaurante Timpanas


9.00-10.45: Session 5 – Using technology in IP teaching (Chair
: Laurent Manderieux, Bocconi University, Milan)

Noël Campling, (Director, IP Awareness, European Patent Academy) The EPO IP Teaching Tools

Maria Mercedes Frabboni (University of Sussex, UK) IP Teaching for Distance Learning Programmes: Searching for an Effective Remote Interaction

Jesús Sánchez (University of Autónoma, Madrid, Spain) The Electronical Office of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office as a Tool for the Development of Workshops on IP

Tina Hart (University of Huddersfield, UK) Teamwork on Geographical Indications Using a Wiki

10.45-11.15: Coffee

11.15-12.30: Session 6 – Economic value and entrepreneurship (Chair: Andrew Griffiths, University of Manchester, UK)

Fanny Koleva (University of National and World Economy Sofia, Bulgaria) Financial Management of IP

José Paulo Rainho and Joaquim Borgess Gouveia (University of Aveiro, Portugal) The Role of IP Teaching in the Cultural Mindset Change of UA PhD Students

12.30-12.45: Next steps for EIPTN and closing remarks – Claire Howell (Aston University, UK)