This section contains information, news and analysis useful for individuals engaging in teaching and learning activities relating to intellectual property.

Here is a link to the EUIPO Learning Portal: The Office will endeavour to give the EIPTN access, free of charge, to relevant awareness and education materials on IP protection and enforcement produced by the Office, namely, e-learning materials, as soon as they become available.

The European Patent Academy ensures the overall co-ordination of the external education and training activities of the European Patent Office. The mandate of the European Patent Academy reflects the need to improve patent-related intellectual property training and education structures in Europe.

The IP Teaching Kit produced by the European Patent Academy in co-operation with the European Union Intellectual Property Office is one of the most comprehensive Ip teaching resources in the world. The IP Teaching Kit provides academic teaching staff with a unique collection of PowerPoint slides, speaking notes and background information on all the main types of intellectual property.

In June 2012 the European Patent Academy published the Intellectual Property Course Design Manual as a resource for university lecturers wishing to incorporate IP into their teaching, even if they have little or no experience of the subject.

The EUIPO Academy has been established to provide training and knowledge about IP and other relevant subjects at an EU level. In 2015, the EUIPO produced the EUIPO Academy Learning Portal, which provide courses  structured according to levels of IP knowledge and intensity.

International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP) contributes to the advancement of teaching and research in the field of the law of intellectual property.

UAIPIT offers specialized, complete and updated information in English, French, German and Spanish on: Patents, Distinctive Signs (trademarks, designs), Copyright, IT, Competition Law, and International dis¬pute resolution, including legislation from over 60 countries, as well as case law, events, congresses, links and specialized blogs, research and education initiatives and useful information for businesses and entrepreneurs.

European Patent Academy’s eLearning Material. It contains amongst others the Patent Teaching Kit. The Patent Teaching Kit is a resource to provide students with a basic knowledge of the patent system. The IP Teaching Kit provides academic teaching staff with a unique collection of PowerPoint slides, speaking notes and background information on all the main types of intellectual property. The 10 case studies analyse the use of IP by industry in detail, examining the benefits and dangers faced when making decisions on IP.